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Showing 2 results for Insulin Resistance

Amir Ziaee, Navid Mohammadi, Homayoon Sheikholeslami, Zohreh Yazdi, Behrang Motamed,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (9-2010)

Introduction & Objective: Metabolic control in adolescents with type 1 DM who are in pubertal period will be impaired, thus finding a therapeutic strategy such as adding metformin to insulin to reduce insulin resistance will be useful in blood glucose control and metabolic state improvement.

Materials & Methods: This was a randomized double blind placebo controlled 3-month trial metformin therapy in 32 adolescents with type 1 DM. These patients were divided in two groups of metformin and placebo and treated with metformin and placebo for 3-months. Their HbA1C, FBS, Insulin dosage, TG, Cholesterol, and LDL were measured at the initiation and end of the treatment.

Results: After the study there was a significant improvement of FBS and TG in metformin group versus placebo group (P=0.02 and P=0.028 in order). But, there was not significant difference in other variables such as BMI, insulin dosage, HbA1C, Cholesterol and LDL between the two groups.

Conclusion: Metformin treatment in teenagers with type1 DM who are in pubertal period will improve the control of FBS and lowers TG but has not any significant effect on HbA1C, BMI, insulin dosage, Cholesterol and LDL.

Soraya Khalili, Reza Nouri,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (6-2013)

Introduction & Objective: Leptin , the main peptide secreted by adipose tissue, is considered an alarming factor in the regulation of body fat content . With regard to the physiological effect of exercise as one of the potential regulators of leptin secretion from adipose tissue , this study was performed to examine the effects of resistance exercise on leptin.

Materials & Methods: Twenty inactive and obese female students (10 controls and 10 experi-mentals) participated in this study. The subjects in the experimental group performed an 8 week resistance training program (chest press, leg press, lat pull down, leg curl, bicep curl, leg extension) with 60 - 70 percent of 1RM. ELISA was used to measure leptin.

Results: The results of this study showed that 8 weeks of resistance training significantly decreased BMI (31.32 kg/m2 versus 29.73 kg/m2 , P=0.0001), weight body (80.5kg versus 76.25kg, P=0.0001), WHR (0.93 ver-sus0.89, P=0.0001 ) and body fat percent (27.48 versus 24.85, P=0.0001) in EG. Statistically significant differ-ences were not seen in leptin (P=0.939), insulin (P=0.336), glucose (P=0.264) and insulin resistance (P=0.306) between CG and EG.

Conclusion: The results of this study showed that , there was no significant difference in leptin levels and insulin resistance between the control and experimental groups, after 8 weeks of resistance training.

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