Volume 2, Issue 2 (Scientific Journal of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences-Spring & Summer 1995)                   Avicenna J Clin Med 1995, 2(2): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Yazdanfar A, Rasoli L, Monsef A, Farshchian M, Ansar A. The Study of Different Facial Lesions, Undergone Biopsy in Sina Hospital During 3 Years (1992-94). Avicenna J Clin Med 1995; 2 (2)
URL: http://sjh.umsha.ac.ir/article-1-1117-en.html
Abstract:   (13538 Views)

Objective : A study on the statistical prevalence of different facial lesions, undergone biopsy in out patients and in patients during 3 years (1992-1994)

Population: 551 patients bearing skin lesions of face dermatology ward of Sina hospital in Hamadan.

Method: Recording the required information from present files.

Results: 1439 biopsies were performed on the majority of the out patients. 551 cases were studied that 292 ones had only facial lesions and others generalized lesions.

Males consisted the majority and the second decade had the highest prevalence while in the only facial lesions it was the 7th decade.

Most of these males were farmers and most common place of biopsy was Lip (26.7%) and time of involvement was one to five years.

There was presence of eighty one (81) type lesions that the most commonest are BCC (62 cases), Eczema (53) and DLE (44)…

BCC and Eczema were common in the 7 th decade, DLE in the 3rd decade. BCC and SCC were observed mostly in farmers, the place of biopsy being nose in BCC, lips in SCC, all of the body in LP, and only face in DKLE.

The common clinical feature in SCC an BCC were ulcers, polycolonal papules in LP, erythematous Plaques with a well defined borders and a central atrophyin DLE, bucal ulcers in pemphigus bullae and ulcers on body in pemphigoid, excoriated plagues resulted from itching in Eczema and scaling erythematous plague in psoriasis. There was a 91.1% accommodation between clinical diagnoses and the pathology results.

Type of Study: Original | Subject: Other Clinical Specialties

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