Hashemian F, Shahriari Ahmadi H, Bikmoradi A. Recurrence of Adenoid Hypertrophy after Adenoidectomy, Its Predisposing and Associated Factors in Children under 15 Years Referred to Besat Hospital, Hamadan, Iran. Avicenna J Clin Med 2017; 24 (2) :152-157
1- School of Medicine Hamadan University of Medical Sciences , hashemian@umsha.ac.ir
Abstract: (12290 Views)
Introduction: Adenotonsillectomy is one of the most common surgeries in children, which may be associated with a risk of recurrence of the related symptoms. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and possible predisposing and associated factors of adenoid regrowth in children under 15 years old in Besat Hospital in Hamadan.
Methods: In this analytic-descriptive study, all the patients less than 15 years old who underwent adenoidectomy or adenotonsillectomy in Besat Hospital in Hamadan City between 2010 and 2016 were reviewed. The charts of the patients underwent revision adenoidectomy were evaluated and their demographic data, clinical findings such as recurrence symptoms, history of allergy, reflux, and the time interval between the first and second surgeries, and the predisposing and associated factors of adenoid hypertrophy recurrence were recorded. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics with SPSS 16 software.
Results: From a total of 2787 patients with adenoidectomy (2571 cases with adenotonsillectomy), 37 cases (1.3%) underwent revision adenoidectomy. Of 37 revision adenoidectomies, 48.65% were in females and 51.35% e in males. The mean age at the primary adenoidectomy was 5.16 and at the secondary (revision) adenoidectomy was 9.04 years. The mean of interval was 3.87 years between the surgeries. Also, 27% of the patients were passive smoker, 18.9% had a history of reflux and 10.8% had a history of allergic rhinitis. The most common chief complaints of the adenoid regrowth were snoring (35.1%) and mouth breathing (25.9%).
Conclusion: According to the results of the present study, adenoid re-growth in children under 15 years is not common (1.3%) and the predisposing factors of adenoid hypertrophy recurrence were passive smoking, reflux and allergic rhinitis, respectively. It is recommended that nasopharyngeal endoscopy be performed after the adenoid surgery.