Volume 28, Issue 4 (Avicenna Journal of Clinical Medicine-Winter 2022)                   Avicenna J Clin Med 2022, 28(4): 210-215 | Back to browse issues page

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Esmaeili F, Aghajanloo M, Shams A, Abdolmalaki S. Deep Vein Thrombosis, Pulmonary Embolism and Related Factors in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury. Avicenna J Clin Med 2022; 28 (4) :210-215
URL: http://sjh.umsha.ac.ir/article-1-2256-en.html
1- Assistant Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran
2- Assistant Professor, Department of Cardiac Surgery, School of Medicine, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran
3- Neurosurgeon, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran , sajjadabdolmalaki@gmail.com
Abstract:   (2483 Views)
Background and Objective:Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism are fatal problems following brain trauma that, if left untreated, can dramatically increase mortality. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and related factors in patients with traumatic brain injury.
Materials and Methods:This cross-sectional study was performed on 38 patients with isolated brain trauma in the intensive care unit. The study tool was a checklist that was completed as a file reading. The information required for the study was also collected through Doppler ultrasound and computed tomography angiography reports. The obtained data were analyzed in SPSS software using Chi-square and Fisher tests. The significance level of the tests was considered 0.05.
Results:The mean age of study participants was 51.5± 18.3 years. In this study, 5.3% and 2.6% of participants had deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, respectively. There was a significant difference between the group with deep vein thrombosis and without deep vein thrombosis in the length of hospital stay, the mean length of stay in the ICU and the mean time of complete bed rest (CBR).
Conclusion:According to the effective variables in the development of thrombosis in this study, the development of related interventions to reduce the incidence of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism can minimize disability and mortality due to these diseases.
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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Neurosurgery

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