Introduction & Objectives: Substance abuse and opioid dependency refers to hazardous use of psychoactive substance .Prevention and treatment of opiate dependence has not been success-ful. Most effective drug in agonist treatment of opiates is methadone maintenance therapy (MMT).But the lack of cooperation of addicts in methadone maintenance therapy has always been a big problem to continue. The purpose of this study is to investigate the retention in the MMT.
Materials & Methods: This historical cohort study analyzed the medical records of patients of Baharan hospital in Zahedan. All 912 cases of methadone maintenance clinic of Baharan hos-pital in Zahedan 2011-2012 were studied and the data were analyzed using SPSS. Tables and indexes were analyzed by the Chi-square test and survival curves were plotted using Kaplan–Meier method and analyzed by Log-Rank test. Results: This study reviewed records from 912 patients with a mean age of 34.67% and stan-dard deviation of 10.88 and the range of 15-86 years. 735 were male and 177 ware female. 1-moth retention rate was 71%, 3 months was 59%, 6 months was 47%, 1 year was 30% and 2 years was 17%. Kaplan-Meier median survival time of 8 months was estimated by relationship. Doses higher than 60 mg/d of methadone was associated with increased survival on MMT.
Conclusion: Age increase, increase of employment time, increasing of the duration of drug abuse, increasing the daily dose of methadone, oral substance abuse increased retention rate and heroin abuse and smoking were associated with decrease retention rate of methadone maintenance therapy. So, with an emphasis on each of these factors effective steps can be taken to improve the cooperation of patients in MMT.