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Effects of Sublingual Captopril in Immediate Treatment of Hypertensive Crisis (839726 Views)
Effects of Mefenamic Acid in Menorrhagic Patients Treatment who Consult Fatemieh Hospital - Hamadan (452653 Views)
A Comparative Study of Vaginal Misoprostol and High Dose Intravenous Oxytocin for Second Trimester Pregnancy Termination (405401 Views)
Comparison of Efficacy of Clotrimazole 1% Cream with Sertaconazole 2% Cream in Treatment of Adult Seborrheic Dermatitis (285506 Views)
Evaluation of the Effect of Amoxicillin and Metronidazole as Treatment Adjunct to Dental Scaling and Root Planning in Chronic Periodontitis Patients (262001 Views)
A survey of Height and Weight of Students Aged 11-17 Years in Hamadan (223241 Views)
Comparison of the Effects of Oral Diclofenac Sodium Versus Acetaminophen Codein on Pain During Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotrypsy (190411 Views)
Survey of the Role of Combined Screening Method with Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of Breast Cancer (100159 Views)
Poisoning with Phosphine Gas Result the Rice Tablet, Report of Two Cases (70072 Views)
Comparative Study of Thrapeutic Effcts of%20 Azelaic Acid and %4 Hydroquinone Cream in Treatment of Melasma (68744 Views)
Sex Ratios in Different Age Group in Iran (63050 Views)
A Comparative Study of Trichomonas Vaginitis Treatment with Single and Seven Day Metronidazole Regimen (59244 Views)
Comparative Study of Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen and Combination Effects for Pain Relief Following Tooth Extraction in Children under Local Anesthesia (54947 Views)
Correlation between Causes of Prenatal Hydronephrosis and Severity of Anteroposterior Renal Pelvic Dilatation (53822 Views)
The Causes of the Post Operative Diarrhea in Bu-Ali General Hospital During 1990 (53299 Views)
Evaluation of Antithyroid Antibodies in Aborting People from Obstetrics Clinic of Mahdieh Hospital at Shaheed Beheshti University (48265 Views)
Evaluation the Complications of Exchange Transfusion in Hospitalized Neonates (46621 Views)
Urinary Tract Infections Due to Catheterization and Drug Resistance Patterns of Isolated Bacteria (43939 Views)
Comparison of the Effects of Salicylic Acid Solution (40%) versus Cryotherapy for the Treatment of Extra-genital Wart (43447 Views)
The Comparison of Fracture :::union::: Duration of Shaft of Femur in Plating Method and Interlocking Intramedullary Nailing (42234 Views)
The Effect of Bacille Calmette-Guérin Vaccination at Birth on Tuberculin Skin Test Reactivity (41472 Views)
Simultaneous Determination of 25-Hydroxycholecalciferol and 25-Hydroxyergocalciferol by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (39045 Views)
Thymectomy in 19 Cases of Myasthenia Gravis in 4 Years Follow up (38383 Views)
Clinical Efficacy of Piracetam on Breath Holding Spells in Children (34757 Views)
Comparative Study of Effectiveness of Long Term Low Dose of Naldixic Acid and Cotrimoxazolee in Patients with Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections (34706 Views)
Evaluation the Sensitivity and Specificity of CA 19-9 Test in Gastric Adenocarcinoma (33591 Views)
The Study of Triglyceride and Cholesterol Levels (HDL & LDL) in Patients with Ischemic Stroke Admitted in Sina Hospital of Hamadan City During One Year (1999-2000) (31680 Views)
Exploring the Effect of Green Tea on Weight Loss and Serum Hormone Levels in Overweight and Obese Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (30611 Views)
The Study of Wound Infection Rate Due to Midsternatomy after Heart Surgeries (28827 Views)
Survey of Anti-Bacterial Effect of Plant Extracts (Fennel-Dill-Caraway-Cinnamon) by Flow Cytometry and Disk Diffusion (28265 Views)
A Case Report of Cardiac Arrest during General Anesthesia (26385 Views)
A Comparative Study on the Effect of Citicoline on Acute Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke (26178 Views)
Antimalaria Drugs (25950 Views)
Comparison of Effectiveness of Narrow Band Ultraviolet B Therapy Combined with 0.1% Topical Tacrolimus and Narrow Band Ultraviolet B Monotherapy in Vitiligo Treatment (25554 Views)
The Effect of Vaginal Preparation with Povidone Iodine with Routine Abdominal Preparation on Post Cesarean Infection (25436 Views)
Correlation Between Bishop Score and Success of Induction of Labor in Term Pregnancies (23686 Views)
A Comparative Study of Vitamin D Levels in Persons with Hair Loss and Healthy Subjects (23239 Views)
Effect of Topical Cyclosporin on Oral Lichen Planus (23090 Views)
Evaluation the Effect Garlet Tablet on Serum Lipid Profile (22922 Views)
Comparison of Sequential Regimen and Standard Therapy for Helicobacter pylori Eradication in Patients with Dyspepsia (21952 Views)
The Estimation of Fetal Weight with Mother Fundal Height and Abdominal Girth (21550 Views)
Evaluation of Quantitative Measurement of CRP in Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis (21240 Views)
A Case Report of Control of Vertigo in Meniere’s Syndrome after Endolymphatic Sac Surgery (20831 Views)
Evaluation of the Effect of Chlorhexidine in Combination with Sodium Perborate on Gingivitis Plaque and Tooth Surface Staining (20177 Views)
The Effects of Medicinal Plants of Melissa officinalis and Salvia officinalis on Primary Dysmenorrhea (19916 Views)
Effects of Gentamicin on Urinary Electrolyte Excretion in Admitted Neonate (19546 Views)
Effect of Apple Vinegar on Spermatogenesis and Serum Total Antioxidant Status in Rats Under High Fat Diet (19132 Views)
The Magnitude of Hemoglobin–Drop in Obstetrics and Gynecologic Operations (Is Routine Hb Check Necessary?) (19076 Views)
Clinical and Radiological Presentation of Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis: A Case Series of 20 Patients (18987 Views)
A Comparison Between the Treatment and Side Effect of Sodium Valproate and Propranolol in Preventing Migraine Headaches (18893 Views)
Total Sum: 10515747

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